Thursday, June 30, 2005

Design - the next stage!

Thank you and well done to everyone who has posted ideas so far - keep them coming (and I still have a couple to post) They have given us a brilliant starting point and I am really excited by this project.

After yesterday's meeting, I think it is time to focus our thinking a bit.

So...some important dates for the beginning of next term:

1. Thursday 8th September at 4pm. Major design meeting for everyone who wishes to be involved in the design process. It is vital that everyone interested attends this meeting - it will be the time when we make some key decisions about the design of the show.

2. Thursday 6th October at 4pm. Costume design presentations. This will be the opportunity for everyone to present and explain their costume designs. On the basis of this, designs will be chosen to be made. You could present designs for just one costume or for a few costumes or for whole set of costumes.

3. Thursday 13th October at 4pm. Set design presentations. This will be the opportunity for everyone to present and explain their set designs. Again, a decision about the final set design will be made on the basis of these presentations.

Everyone is invited to submit a design for consideration.

One of the key things to bear in mind when designing is that the set or the costume must 'say' something appropriate about the play or the character.

To help with this, I will post some notes about each character and about the play as a whole. Use them as a kind of checklist - ask yourself if your design does, in fact, communicate what we want to say.

Incidentally, do feel free to comment on my notes. They are not gospel and I would really welcome the debate.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Smeraldina costume

When I saw that Sarah, Michael and I had designed a striped costume for Smeraldina, I thought that it was an interesting coincidence. More interestingly, I was looking on a Comedia Dell'Arte web site, and the costume illustration for the character, which I assume Smeraldina is based on, was also striped. For this reason I think it might be a good idea to try to incorporate stripes into Smeraldina's costume. TB

Source Material

The recent Turner, Whistler, Monet exhibition at Tate Britain had a room dedicated to the work the three painters had done in Venice - follow the link below to the tate site. This might be another good source of inspiration, building on Mr Peters' notes about Canaletto.

Alternatively, a Google image search for "Turner+Venice" or "Monet+Venice" or "Whistler+Venice" produces lots of results.

Tate Britain link:

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Design Meeting

Next design meeting will be on Wednesday 29th June at 4pm in E2. All welcome

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Idea here is to use black and white to identify the 'servant' characters, since we identify waiters etc with those colours today. The 'flashes' of colour could be used to link the servants with their masters. (These notes are a paraphrase of Thomasin's (fuller) notes which I don't have with me at the moment - hope I've got the gist of them!)


Originally uploaded by Toby Yarwood.


Originally uploaded by Toby Yarwood.


Originally uploaded by Toby Yarwood.
Not certain which characters Sarah is thinking of here - a possible subject for debate


Originally uploaded by Toby Yarwood.


Originally uploaded by Toby Yarwood.

Latest idea, picking up the ideas Mark has posted about making the 'internal workings' of the theatre visible.