Tuesday, September 20, 2005



Based on the Harlequin character, who traditionally wore a costume of irregular patches of diverse colour.
Truffaldino means ‘little truffer’ or ‘trougher’ – the idea being that he was always ‘at the trough’, always eating.
Capable of being both clumsy and graceful.
Complications in the plot are often the result of his mistakes or shortcomings – or of his tendency to be distracted.
Should probably be described as the central character. He is not educated but is quite quick-witted (though he tends to respond to situations rather than plan them) but we shouldn’t forget that he is a servant – he mustn’t be too grand or well-dressed – he always needs money and probably spends any that does come his way on food.
Hunger and food are his key motivating forces – but this doesn’t necessarily mean he is fat – in fact, probably the opposite – there is a frenetic energy about him that means he burns up any calories he does manage to take on board.


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